Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Calcium deficiency - XtraCal Calcium supplements

Herbalife XtraCal calcium

Calcium deficiency, osteoporosis, brittle bones and bone health can become a major problem as people age - depending on their lifestyle and nutritional habits.

Tips for building strong bone health no matter what your age.
Our bones are affected by hormone changes, diet, nutrition and lifestyle - so men and women are both at risk of problems during their lives although it is more often a womens health problem.

Calcium osteoporosis - what is it?

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones that affects more women than men.

How to reduce risks of calcium osteoporosis?

Children should eat 3 or 4 servings of calcium rich foods daily.
Adults can reduce the risk by taking a calcium tablet, such as Xtracal calcium supplement.

XtraCal® calcium supplements is packed with calcium plus vitamin C and vitamin D to help absorb calcium, making the calcium supplement more efficient.

Also add soy protein to diet as a source of bone-building isoflavones. Good sources of soy protein are Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake, Wellness programs, Protein Bars and protein powder protein supplements.

Herbalife supplements  from Feel Good Nutrition.

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