Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Facts on Formula 1 meal replacement shakes

6 flavours of Herbalife
Questions and Answers on Formula 1 shakes as Meal Replacements
by By David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.N. Chairman of the Herbalife Medical and Scientific Advisory Boards

Facts about Herbalife Formula 1 shakes promoted as meal replacement shakes and healthy meals.

What do Formula 1 healthy diet shakes contain to make them a healthy, satisfying meal?

A: Formula 1 shakes contain high quality soy protein, healthy carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients to provide the cells of your body what they need for optimum health.

Is the soy protein in Formula 1 beneficial to everyone, men and women?

A: Yes, the soy protein in Formula 1 healthy diet shakes is definitely beneficial for both men and women. Numerous scientific studies demonstrate the benefits of soy protein for heart health when included as part of a healthy, low-fat diet, which is why Formula 1 has a healthy heart symbol on every label (except Tropical Fruit flavor, which contains less soy).

How can one product, Formula 1, be ideal for weight loss, formula gain weight and weight maintenance?

A: Research shows that drinking two shakes a day and eating one healthy meal will lead to weight loss, while having three shakes a day as well as normal meals will lead to gain weight and one shake a day will keep the weight off for years. Formula 1 meal replacement shakes is the ideal meal for everyone, whether they want to lose weight, keep off the weight they have lost or just maintain their naturally healthy weight.

If I’m lactose intolerant, can I use soy milk to make a shake?

A: Yes, simply add soy milk to Formula 1 nutrition shakes and you should have no problem. By the way, most humans are lactose intolerant to some degree. You lose nothing when you substitute soy milk for dairy milk from a health standpoint.

Herbalife supplements from Feel Good Nutrition in UK.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Calcium deficiency - XtraCal Calcium supplements

Herbalife XtraCal calcium

Calcium deficiency, osteoporosis, brittle bones and bone health can become a major problem as people age - depending on their lifestyle and nutritional habits.

Tips for building strong bone health no matter what your age.
Our bones are affected by hormone changes, diet, nutrition and lifestyle - so men and women are both at risk of problems during their lives although it is more often a womens health problem.

Calcium osteoporosis - what is it?

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones that affects more women than men.

How to reduce risks of calcium osteoporosis?

Children should eat 3 or 4 servings of calcium rich foods daily.
Adults can reduce the risk by taking a calcium tablet, such as Xtracal calcium supplement.

XtraCal® calcium supplements is packed with calcium plus vitamin C and vitamin D to help absorb calcium, making the calcium supplement more efficient.

Also add soy protein to diet as a source of bone-building isoflavones. Good sources of soy protein are Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake, Wellness programs, Protein Bars and protein powder protein supplements.

Herbalife supplements  from Feel Good Nutrition.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Herbalife Products - quality supplements online

Herbalife Independent Distributor

The problem with any supplements is that quality can vary greatly, and if quality varies then results must vary as well.

Why Buy Herbalife Supplements rather than Other Supplements available on High Street?
What is the difference between Herbalife products and other products on the High Street?

Herbalife is a Pharmaceutical Grade company.

Herbalife products achieve Cellular Nutrition.

Supplements are rarely enough. Simply consuming good food and adding nutritional supplements will not make any difference to the way you feel if your body is unable to fully digest and absorb all the nutrition you eat.

Cellular Nutrition makes use of knowledge gained from the botanical world's 6,000 year history and incorporates health building nutritional herbs with the best modern technology to help our bodies cleanse and detoxify so that the cells in your body can be as fully nourished as possible. This allows the cells to grow, repair and to perform their functions with the best possible efficiency so that we feel and look better and are more able to prevent and fight disease. Once the body begins to clear itself of toxins it can more efficiently absorb nutrition.

Herbalife is a Pharmaceutical Grade company for reliable results. Buy Herbalife supplements online from Feel Good Nutrition - just register and login for easy shopping and fast delivery.

Buy Herbalife supplements from Feel Good Nutrition.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Protein Bars for Healthy Protein Snacks

Herbalife Protein Bars

Protein Bars -  Protein Snacks

Article by David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.N. Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board and Nutrition Advisory Board, Herbalife

I’m watching my weight, but I’m so often tempted to snack. What can I do?

Snacking isn't always bad. In fact, any good weight-management program will include healthy snacks throughout the day to keep hunger at bay. And that’s where protein comes in. Healthy protein snacks like Herbalifes Protein Bars is great because it’s packed with protein–which helps you maintain lean muscle and keeps you feeling satisfied longer than you would after eating sugary, less healthy snacks.
These Protein Bars taste delicious. Are they really good for me?

Yes they are. These protein bars contain essential vitamins and nutrients plus 10 grams of healthy protein per bar. And at only 120 calories, these Protein Bars are an ideal addition to your weight loss, weight gain, weight control management, especially if you have cravings for sweet snacks throughout the day.

Do these protein bars have other health properties I should know about?

Plenty. First, they contain no trans fats–which, as you know, are very unhealthy and are found in many of the processed goodies we typically call “snacks.” Also, these bars contain vitamins like niacin, thiamine and riboflavin–making them a nutritious snack not only for people trying to lose weight but also for active people on the go and anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle.

Buy Herbalife supplements and protein bars from Feel Good Nutrition.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Meal Replacements for Healthy Meals Fast

Herbalife shakes

Meal replacements can be healthy meals for many people with very different lifestyles.
  • People in a rush, no time to cook or prepare a healthy meal. A meal replacement can fill the meal gap and provide the nutrients needed for good health.
  • People wanting to control calories for weight management. Meal replacements contain fixed calories so making it easy to reduce calorie intake and also stay healthy.
  • People that may be disabled and not able to cook or prepare foods easily. Meal replacements can be a nutritious meal they can get independently.
  • People wanting to improve their health by getting more of the nutrients essential for health, a meal replacement has the good nutrition ready made.

For course everyones tastes and likes are also very varied, so the choice of meal replacement offered by Herbalife Formula 1 meal replacements is welcome, either a chewy, crunchy meal replacement bar or a meal replacement shake made with milk or fruit juice. At just 207 and 220 calories respectively and with balanced nutrition, these are a healthy meal replacements option.

Buy Herbalife supplements UK from Feel Good Nutrition.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

How to make Herbalife Formula 1 Healthy Diet Shakes

Herbalife shakes
How to make Herbalife Formula 1 Healthy Diet Shakes as Meal Replacement Shakes for healthy meals.
Dr Louis Gratton of Herbalife International shows how easy it is to make these meal replacement shakes using Herbalife Formula 1 shake mix, for an alternative fast food when you are in a rush - healthy nutrition packed meal replacement shakes.

Herbalife Formula 1 Shake - Healthy Meal Replacement Shakes

Herbalife Formula 1 shake
Every single day over 1 million Herbalife Formula 1 Healthy Diet Shakes are consumed around the world.

Formula 1 shakes are nutritionally balanced, versatile and simple to prepare, providing you with all the key macro and micro nutrients, equiverlent to a complete meal in a glass, sometimes called Herbalife meal replacements. Long lasting carbohydrates and protein maintain energy levels throughout the day helping avoid unhealthy snacking between meals. Plus 25g off soy protein a day can assist healthy blood cholesterol levels.

Herbalife Formula 1 sachets

Less than 220 calories per serving, its easy to manage caloric intake for weight control for breakfast, lunch or dinner with a shake. Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, tropical fruit, cappuccino or cookie'n cream, choose from 6 flavours and add your own favourite fruit.

And if you are on the go - bag a Formula 1 sachets. Fitting snugly in a bag, now you can enjoy a tasty shake always. Use milk and shaker and you have got your favourite healthy meal ready in a few seconds.

Buy Herbalife supplements from Feel Good Nutrition.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Herbalife?

Credit crunch, people out of work, less income, hard times. May be you are looking for a business opportunity to work from home? The Herbalife Business Opportunity is not instant money but a business opportunity to build for a secure future. What you put in to building your business, you will get back in income and contacts. For more information on this home based business opportunity.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Healthy Shake - Herbalife Formula 1 Herbal Health Supplement

Imagine being sure you were getting all the nutrients your body needs and feeling great with loads of energy everyday!
Its not hard, just mix Herbalife Formula 1 healthy diet shakes everyday instead of one of your meals, takes about a minute to mix and tastes delicious. Full of good nutrients needed for health and wellness, proteins, good fats, good carbs and 22 vitamins and minerals - all for 220 calories!
Now if you've had shakes before, you may be saying - you've had shakes and they tasted terrible. I know - I've had them as well. But these Formula 1 shakes are lovely, and 6 different flavours to choose from, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, capoccino, cookie and cream, and tropical fruit. Every one has their favorite flavors just like everyone has their own preferences for all foods. But they all taste good and mix really easily to a smooth shake or smoothie.
You can mix your shake in different ways, in cows milk if you are OK drinking a glass ful of cows milk - some people are lactose intolerant and can't drink cows milk. Use skimmed milk if you want a lower calorie shake to control your weight. Alternatively mix in soy milk or fruit juice (sugar free for lower calorie intake).
However you prefer to take your shake, you'll soon find you feel great and wonder why you didn't try Herbalife healthy shakes earlier. Herbal health supplements online UK from Herbalife.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Weight Loss Help? Weight Loss UK Online and Offline

Statistics show that of all the people in UK that try to lose weight, only 5% succeed in keeping the weight loss off. Shocking and could be disheartening but turn this around and you could be in that 5% that succeeds and controls weight long term.

To lose weight and keep it off you have to choose a way for weight loss that will work for you, so weight loss UK online or weight loss offline. There are many online weight loss providers from detailed programs that you have to write all the foods you have eaten everyday to programs that you can purchase online and get advise as and when you need it to succeed. Or offline providers are shops selling supplements, clubs offering offline support. The choice is yours to fit your lifestyle and pocket.

What ever you choose - a basic is need is that it should be a healthy weight loss plan, theres no use losing weight and ending up ill, poor skin, terrible nails or worse.

An easy, healthy, great tasting weight loss uk online program is from Herbalife using weight loss supplements and healthy weight loss shakes Suffolk twice a day instead of 2 meals but......then you get to eat your normal dinner. This controls your calorie intake, gives you loads of healthy minerals, vitamins and herbs as well as protein for health and 220 calories. Its not going to break the bank and you could end up saving money on foods youd normally be eating.
With a Herbalife distributor to offer advise on any queries you have, you can get on with Weight loss online and get on with your life and be on of the 5% that succeeds.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Healthy Nutrition Plan for 2009

How many people make a New Years resolution to start a healthy nutrition wellness programs?

And many will try to stick to their resolution for at least a month, but then they either lose enthusiasm, or are in a rush and haven't time to think healthy when they eat. Life is so fast these days that many people don't have time to cook let alone think about healthy foods.

So when I discovered a healthy nutrition plan that is easy and fast - the ultimate fast food thats also wellness foods - it seems like its the ovious solution to many peoples problems of how to have a healthy nutrition plan for their every day eating meals.

Make a healthy shake for breakfast everyday with Formula 1 shake mix plus milk and a shake - takes about a minute to make and as fast as you like to drink. And you've has 19g quality protein to start your day plus good cards, good fats and 22 vitamins, minerals and herbs. Then take a multi vitamin supplement three times a day, a tablet - dead easy. And thats you healthy nutrition plan underway. If you don't change any other aspect of your daily eating, your nutrition will already have improved considerably.

Top quality nutrition that will improve your health, wellness and lifestyle, its seems a small price to pay compared to many fast food offers of low nutrition value.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Weight Loss UK Online - What a choice?

Google the phrase Weight Loss UK Online and you will get over 19 million sites to look at - so the question is where do you start?

If you want to lose weight, you want to satisfy a few points when choosing a weight loss program:
  • is it safe?
  • is it easy to follow?
  • do you need to start counting calories everyday?
  • do you need to start counting points everyday?
  • do you need to buy lots of new sorts of foods?
  • can you still eat with your family?
  • can you stick to the program at work?
  • is it a reliable weight loss program?
  • can you get your questions answered?
To Lose Weight your body has to use more calories than you eat every single day.
Women normally need fewer calories than men. And the number of calories your body uses depends on the lifestyle you lead.
Just read these figures below to see how this works:
For active people: 120lbs woman needs 2640 calories / day.
150lbs man needs 3600 calories / day.
For sedentary people: 120lbs woman needs 1680 calories / day - 1000 calories less.
150lbs man needs 2100 calories / day - 1500 calories less.
So if you've got an active friend that always seems to eat alot but not gain weight - this is why they can eat more because they burn more calories.
So for Weight Loss you need to reduce calorie intake and if possible increase your activity so you use more calories each day.
Now not many people want to work out their calories everyday. Most people want a simpler solution to Weight Loss UK that is reliable and safe.
Read how Kathy used the Herbalife Weight Loss Program to lose weight .

Although she’d maintained a healthy weight for most of her life, Kathy’s body seemed to undergo an irreversible change after having children. “I tried so hard to lose weight,” she says. “I’d run and exercise for months and drop only a few pounds.
After trying Herbalife Weight Loss program UK she discovered her love for the shakes and protein bar snacks. Kathy adds, “I never felt any need to sneak junk food.” Now Kathy is where she wants to be. “I’m in great shape, keeping the weight off, and enjoying delicious meals and snacks!”
Here’s How she did it:
Listen to your body. If you crave a snack, eat something healthy, like low fat cottage cheese with yoghourt, or an Herbalife protein bar. Follow your plan to the letter. If you cheat even a little, you’ll make it that much harder to get the results you want.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How Healthy was Your Breakfast Today? Easy Healthy Nutrition Shakes for Breakfast

Breakfast is the neglected meal of the day - often rushed or skipped.

But yet Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it provides your body with the nutrition and fuel to kick start your day and lays the foundation for lifelong health benefits. Breakfast provides energy to make it through the day and keeps our metabolism high as well. It’s easy to skip breakfast when you are in a rush: walk the dog, get the kids ready for school, feed the cat, iron the blouse we’re planning on wearing to the office etc. Often making a healthy breakfast just doesn’t seem to fit in a lot of times.
So many people opt for these as breakfast options, they are just loading themselves with empty calories with not much nutritional value that could just turn into body fat:

  • Sugary or carb-filled: Pancakes, waffles, toast, donuts, pastries, scones, bagels, pies, sugar cereals, breakfast bars, muffins (which, let’s face it, are usually just cake). Carbs are OK but the problem with many breakfasts is that they are low in fat and protein, and nothing but empty carb calories. Carbs start your day with a high blood-sugar level, which will result in emmission of insulin; the insulin removes sugar from blood, turning it's excess into fat. The result very shortly is low blood sugar levels, which results in cravings for more carbs. You’ll be on a roller-coaster blood-sugar ride all day as this cycle repeats itself 2-3 times during the day and is a major cause for diabetes, high blood pressure and extra weight.
  • Fatty. Fried eggs, sausages, bacon, cream cheese on your bagels, cheesy omelettes, Egg McMuffins, Sausage McMuffins, hash browns, anything English or Scottish. Too much fat means excess calories and sure weight gain.
Some people skip breakfast because they sleep too late or because they think it's a way to stay thin. But skipping breakfast doesn't help people maintain a healthy weight. In fact, someone who skips breakfast tends to eat more calories throughout the day as your blood sugar levels drop below normal level and you experience cravings and a drop in energy. Chances are you'll revert to simple carbs to achieve quick surge of blood sugar to overcome drop in energy and hunger. Simple carbs will cause an immediate surge of blood sugar levels and substantial insulin emission, which turns the sugar into fat and the cycle repeat itself during the day a few times, as explained above in the too-sugary or carb example of a breakfast.

A healthy breakfast should consist of a variety of foods, for example, whole grains, low-fat protein or dairy sources, and fruit. This provides complex carbohydrates, protein and a small amount of fat — a combination that delays hunger symptoms for hours. So your morning meal doesn't have to mean loading up on sugar, fat and cholesterol. Making nutritious breakfast choices can set you up for healthier eating all day long.

If there was a way to have an easy healthy breakfast - would you do it? Choose one item from 3 of the following 4 food groups:

  • Fruits and vegetables: Fresh fruits and vegetables, 100 percent juice without added sugar.
  • Grains: Whole-grain rolls, hot or cold whole-grain cereals high in fibre.
  • Dairy: Skim milk, low-fat yogurt cups or low-fat cheeses, such as cottage and natural cheeses.
  • Protein: Hard-boiled eggs, cottage cheese, lean slices of meat and poultry, or fish, such as water-packed tuna or slices of salmon.
People who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to:
- Eat more vitamins and minerals and less fat and cholesterol.
- Have better concentration and productivity throughout the morning.
- Control their weight.
- Have lower cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease.
Breakfast is especially important for children and adolescents, those who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to have better concentration, problem-solving skills and eye-hand coordination. Plus they may also be more alert, creative and less likely to miss days of school.
Our bodies have over 100 trillion cells which demand 114 different nutrients every single day that provide energy and nutrition and nourishment to our body. Plus water.
There are 4 criteria of a good, healthy breakfast:
  • Provide body with all vital nutrients to rebuild the body.
  • Provides the body with energy in terms of protein and complex carbs to help body burn the calories and sugar.
  • Provides the body with water, a couple of glasses before and a couple after breakfast.
  • Helps to maintain a normal blood sugar levels.
  • Balanced protein breakfast supplies our body with all vital nutrients without increasing blood sugar or insulin levels.
  • Reduces cravings for carbs during the day.
  • Controls apetite, cravings for carbs diminish and the body uses stored fat to get energy.

Herbalife's Formula 1 Nutrition Healthy Shake is an easy way to satisfy all these points and will feed your body with ALL the nutrients needed for good health and that would be difficult to achieve with any other regular breakfast, unless you eat 1000 calorie and nutrient packed breakfast of eggs and wholegrains and fruit and veg, etc.
Herbalife's meal replacement shake is not only a balanced, low calorie meal, but also a healthy shake that is a quick and easy option that can be prepared the night before or on the spot - it takes a couple of minutes only...Just pour some semi-skimmed or soya milk in your blender, add any of six delicious flavours of Formula 1 Nutritional shakes, and you can even add fresh or frozen fruit, if you like. Blend it well for a lovely, frothy texture and enjoy on it's own or preferably with Formula 2 multivitamin supplements.
Together these two nutrition supplements will give your body all the nutrients it needs, in a perfect balance, it will fill you up for up to 4 hours, balance your sugar levels, give you plenty of energy, help you sleep better, it will also help manage your weight or even help you lose weight if you fancy one of those instead of lunch or dinner, they would help improve your general well-being, it will positively influence your mood and is great for your digestive system. It truly is an intelligent meal that is one of a kind and that whole family can enjoy. They are just great for kids too; my kids just love them, especially younger one as I was taking them also during pregnancy and started him on it when he was just 6 months old.
As Dr Louis Ignarro, Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine in 1998, has said "Change in diet can improve your health but taking Herbalife products can improve your lifestyle". This is so true as making positive changes with diet surely does make a huge difference, but, nutrition you get from consuming Herbalife shakes and supplements is optimum nutrition that can take your health on a completely new level.
So, whatever you decide to do for breakfast, just remember the benefits of a healthy breakfast: *Be more mentally alert and ready for the day
* Improve mood by keeping your blood sugar levels even
*Better cope with stress
*Consume less calories throughout the rest of the day.
So, set a good example for family and friends - set aside a few minutes in the morning and fix a smoothie before you head out the door! They will notice the difference in you.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Can taking a multi vitamin extend life?

ref 'Can taking a multivitamin extend life?' Los Angeles Times, May 29, 2009

Telomeres are the DNA sequences at the end of chromosomes, these shorten as we age and it is thought that the reason for telomeres shortening may be an important key to longevity. When cells replicate, telomeres shorten. So, preserving the length of telomeres is thought to be a possible key to living longer. Do you need supplements?

A study in the new issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who take multi vitamin supplements daily had telomeres that were 5.1% longer, on average, than non-vitamin users. The researchers, from the National Institutes of Health, looked at multivitamin use and nutrient intake, as well as telomere length, in 586 women ages 35 to 74. They also found a link between telomere length and intake of vitamins C and E.
How multivitamin supplements may affect telomeres is not known. But studies have shown that telomeres are vulnerable to oxidative stress, and some vitamins are antioxidants which can neutralise oxidative stresses. But more research is needed to find out whether multi vitamin supplements could really impact telomere length.
Dr. Honglei Chen, of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, wrote in the report "To our knowledge, this was the first epidemiological study of multivitamin use and telomere length. Regular multivitamin supplement users tend to follow a healthy lifestyle and have a higher intake of micronutrients, which sometimes makes it difficult to interpret epidemiological observations in multivitamin use." But added, "the results are consistent with experimental findings that vitamins C and E protect telomeres in vitro."

Thursday, May 28, 2009

How John stays youthful? Fitter, Healthier than ever.

At 66 John feels fantastic.

Although past retirement age, he has a very busy schedule, with long distance bike rides, ballroom dancing and generally staying active.

He says " At 65 years old, I biked from Portland to Seattle in two days. I rode 145 miles that first day!” He adds that he “owes this all to the Herbalife Herbalife Niteworks®. They’ve got me feeling better than I ever have. The best part is knowing that I’m going to remain healthy and enjoy life well into my later years–for my wife and for myself.”

Heres how he did it:
- set yourself goals to improve your fitness, mine is to be in better shape next year than I am this year.
- do activities that you enjoy and do them regularly every week.
- take Niteworks heart health supplement everyday.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More Youthful Eyes - Herbalife Skin Activator Eye Cream

The skin around the eyes is one of the first areas to show signs of aging. This is because the skin under and around the eyes is particularly fragile as it contains no oil glands, making it more prone to premature ageing.

Choosing an anti aging skin care routine can help hold back the years. Skin Activator works to re hydrate, nourish, firm and protect your skin. Fine lines and wrinkles, smoothness, clarity and luminosity may visibly improve in just a matter of weeks.

Help minimize fine lines and wrinkles around the delicate eye area with this rich, age-defying Skin Activator that contains natural hydrating and firming agents for results you can see and feel. Use the entire Skin Activator® line for best results and to reveal more youthful-looking skin!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lack of vitamin D may cause health risk to millions

ref "Millions face serious health risks over lack of vitamin D in diets" Daily Mail 16 May 2009

A recent report says that millions are at risk of developing serious health problems because of poor vitamin D levels, citing only 1 in 4 people eating enough foods rich in vitamin D. Vitamin D can help stave off cancer, heart disease, diabetes and bone thinning. And obesity is making the situation worse as the vitamin becomes trapped in fat deposits.
The report reviewed data from 170,000 patients and found that the consumption of vitamin D rich foods had dropped, such as oily fish, eggs and butter spreads. EU recommendations are for daily vitamin D intake of 5 micrograms for 12 - 70 years age group.
Normally 90% of the bodys vitamin D comes from sunlight, but over exposure can trigger skin cancer.

An alternative source of vitamin D is from from supplements, such as Herbalife herbal supplements with 33% RDA in Formula 2 multi vitamin supplement, 25% RDA in Formula 1 shakes, 8% RDA in XtraCal calcium supplement.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Junk food can harm children learning performance

from article 'How a Junk food diet can harm pupils performace' Daily Mail 23 May 2009

Researchers in U.S. have proved a link between junk food and poor performance at school. With a direct correlation between the amount of high fat and sugar in foods eaten by pupils and their results at school.
More than 5,500 children were involved in the study, aged 10 - 11-years and were asked to record whenever they ate at fast food resturants during the week.
- more than 50% had eaten fast food 1 to 3 during the previous week.
- 10% had eaten fast food 4 - 6 times
- 2% had eaten fast food 4 or more times a day.

The study was lead by Dr Kerri Tobin, University in Tennessee. Children were tested in reading and maths. For reading:
- junk food 4 - 6 times a week scored 6.96 points below average in reading.
- Pupils who ate fast food daily scored 16.07 points below average.
- Pupils who ate fast food 3 times a day scored 19.34 points below average.
For maths:
- Pupils eating fast food 4 - 6 times a week scored 6.55 points below average.
- Pupils eating daily junk food led to a 14.82 point drop
- Pupils eating junk food 3 times a day had a 18.48 point drop.
The study concluded that healthy nutrition could markedly benefit childrens learning and performance at school, childrens nutrition a healthier future.
Easy, good nutrition that is also fast food but packed with the nutrients needed for health is provided by Formula 1 nutrition shake everyday.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Microbes in your digestive system can make you Fat

Are bugs behind weight gain?
Can Cleansing your Digestive System help?

Could there really be a microbe in our digestive tract that is causing fat to accumulate, keeping us over weight?
Scientific studies have proven that we can catch these microbes which then cause a weight control problem. Aparently normal, healthy weight people do not have high levels of this microbe in their gut. The same study claims the over weight people tested did.
Herbalife has a product that helps clean the tiny microscopic hair like follicles located in the gut call villi. Cell Activator herbal supplement has been one of the products in the Herbalife weight loss products for years.

Friday, May 22, 2009

How to burn more calories with faster metabolism..

To control weight gain, you need to increase your metabolism so it burns more calories. The main reason we eat is for fuel to keep our bodies working but many people now a days eat for sheer pleasure irrespective of whether they need food or not.

To make sure your food is making your body work and not adding weight you need to make sure you follow these points:

- do 30 minutes exercise every day

- tone muscles by weight training 3 times a week - maybe start wearing wrist or ankle weights to train muscles if you can't get to a gym

- eat 3 meals a day, if you cut back on food too much your metabolism may slow down

- always eat breakfast, it kick starts your metabolism for the day

- herbal health supplements can boost metabolism, try Thermo complete herbal vitality supplement or herbal green tea for thermojetic weight loss.

- snack on high protein snacks, protein bars and Herbalife roasted soy nuts or a healthy snack.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Heart Health - Cardiovascular health

Healthy heart health is key to you overall health.

How can you improve your heart health?
Exercise more, whether a brisk walk, sit ups, swimming, cycling - just improve your fitness to improve your health health and wellness.
Eat healthy good nutrition, make sure you get the vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients needed for good health.

Why are antioxidants needed?Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals. And alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a potent antioxidant which works on mitochondria (energy producing parts of cells) to protect DNA damage. Some antioxidants work well in the body where there is water, vitamin C, whilat others work well where there is fat, vitamin E. Alpha lipois acid is unique in ability to work in water and fat and it helps to recirculate the vitamin C and E. ALA helps protect the heart from free radical damage.

How can I make sure I get ALA?
ALA is ingredient in Herbalife Niteworks heart health supplement - take daily for your needs. Niteworks was developed by Dr Ignarro, Noble Laureate in medicine. Dr Ignarros research found that Nitric Oxide helps improve circulation by keeping blood vessels flexible and youthful. Nitric Oxide improves blood flow, to promote healthy heart, brain and organs. In particuular the combination of two amino acids, arginine and citrulline, helps to support Nitric Oxide production in the body. Herbalife Niteworks® heart health supplement is a powder to add to water and contains these two amino acids and ALA.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fibrebond fibre and sodium choleate tablets - diet fiber supplement

This scientifically advanced formula is derived from all natural ingredients and is designed to aid safe and effective weight control. Scientific and nutritional experts recommend an increased consumption of dietary fibre and lower intake of fat and calories to help maintain good health. Unfortunately the western diet tends to be high in fat and low in fibre rich foods.

The unique blend of fibre and sodium choleate in fibrebond can help maintain the process of elimination and assist in the emulsification of fat for digestion. They can also help curb the desire to snack. Fibrebond diet fiber supplement from Herbalife can be added to a weight management or weight loss diet.
Fat loss supplements for health, wellness, weight loss and healthy BMI.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cell Activator dietary herbal supplement

Some nutrients are plentiful in the average diet and others are not, or tey are difficult to obtain and absorb. This Cell Activator formula provides you with more of those specific nutrients that support your bodys energy production and help your body perform more efficiently. Cell Activator nutrient absorption supplement is for almost everyone, especially those who are reducing their calorie intake.

Every activity you do, from breathing to dancing to thinking, depends on a constant supply of energy. To ensure you have energy in a readily available form, the cells in your body have their own power houses, called mitochondria. Through a series of biochemical proesses, the mitochondria create energy from the food you eat.

For these biochemical processes to function optimally, your body needs a regular supply of essential nutrients. Because of poor diet, poor digestion or high levels stress, many people fail to supply their body with enough of these essential nutrients. As a result, food utilization may be less than optimum and energy production can be reduced.

Cell activator has a blend of nutrients and plants is specifically designed to help support your utilisation of nutritional value from food that you eat. It may also help your body absorb and assimilate the nutrients in your diet more efficiently. It contains 3 important plants, chlorella, cordyceps and arctic root. It also contains 3 essential b vitamins.

Herbalife online herbal health supplements UK to help ensure your bodys production of energy stores and optimise use of essential nutrients. Which vitamin B supplement here.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thermo Complete herbal tablets

Thermo complete is a revolutionary herbal supplement designed to support the shape-management process. Thermo Complete combines a potent blend of carefully selected herbs. The individual properties of these herbs work synergistically and naturally to help you feel invigorated and better able to cope with the daily challenge associated with dieting.
- tired frequently due to excess body weight
- you need a vitality boost
- you feel your diet lacks nutrients
- you want to make lifestyle changes to improve your eating habits
- you have failed at other diets.

If you answered yes to any of these points, try adding Thermo Complete into your weight loss programme - a thermojetic supplement to boost metabolism. Take 1 or 2 tablets twice daily, mid morning and mid afternoon. More on vitality with Herbalife online herbal health supplements UK here.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thermo complete for vitality, energy.

Tired? Need vitality boost? Need more nutrients? Need to improve eating habits? Failed at diets?
Thermo complete can help with these issues.
Even te most ideal weight loss program with good nutrition and exercise, cn leave you feeling loww. Struggling to get through the day without giving in to cravings and hunger pangs.
Try Thermo complete speed metabolic rate supplements from Herbalife, to get the boost you need to your weight management issues.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Formula 1 now in individual sachets

If you are one of the many people that has a Formula 1 healthy diet shake everday for breakfast - then you know how awkward it can be when you go away for a few days and either can't have your normal shake or try to take enough powder for your time away.

No more problems - Formula 1 is now available in individual sachets, so convenient to take away, in vanilla and cookie'n cream flavours. So you can enjoy your holiday or break away from home and still get the good nutrition of your Formula 1 healthy meal shakes for meal replacement that gives you energy, tastes great and makes you feel great.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Whats so special about green tea?

Green tea can help wellbeing and support vitality, energy. Answer these questions and see how many yes's you get?

- Do you drink alot of coffee? Too much coffee can rob the body of essential nutrients and increase free radical damage. Green tea is a gentler alternative.

- Do you often choose a fizzy drink rather than water? Fizzy drinks contain, on average, 6 teaspoons sugar in each can. Plain water is often the last choose. Try herbal green tea in your water for an extra zing.

- Do you drink enough water each day? A lack of water disguises many ailments not recognised as water deficiency. Water is essential for life - add herbal green tea to water to drink more.

- Do you want to burn more calories to lose weight? We store extra calories as fat. Drinking herbal green tea can help increase metabolism, burn more calories - a thermojetic beverage.

Any yes answers - and you could benefit from green tea. Thermojetics green tea  for weight loss from Herbalife and available in 4 flavours. Buy from Feel Good Nutrition UK.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Help manage hunger and feel energised - protein power

Extra protein will help you manage hunger, feel full longer, feel energised and help build lean body tissue (muscle).

Personalize your own weight management program with soy protein to help satisfy hunger and achieve optimum health. Whether you are liking to lose weight or gain weight or improve sports performance, protein is essential for overall good health. So get your weight under control, get healthy and start feeling great today with Herbalife protein powder supplement, Protein Bars and Roasted soybeans. These protein products are intended for use as part of a healthy diet in conjunction with regular exercise and adequate fluid intake.

Herbalife protein powder supplement allows you to tailor your protein intake to your needs. A single serving provides 5g soy and whey protein. High in protein to help you feel fuller longer, plus can help build lean muscle mass when used as part of a fitness program. Ideal protein powder to add to shakes or meals such as soups, sauces, gravies to provide supplementary protein to help you achieve and maintain your weight.

Herbalife protein powder supplement and herbal health supplements available from Feel Good Nutrition UK

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Do you often feel stressed? Poor diet? Pollution?

Anything from listening to loud noise to losing your car keys can increase blood pressure and send stress chemicals racing around your body as you try to adapt. This then dauses depleted energy, increased free radical production and may lead to stress related health problems.

The negative effects of pollution, stress and poor diet increase the production of free radicals affecting our immune system. Antioxidants provide support to the bodys immune system to help fight infection by fighting free radicals.

Antioxidants can assist in the protection of the body from stress, but these need to be in plentiful supply. Healthy nutrition of 5 servings of fruit and veg every single day can supply your needs - but fast food nutrition and fast lifestyle can compromise these eating habits. Antioxidant health supplements can give you the basis of healthy nutrition to ensure nutrients every single day. Herbalife Formula 2 multi vitamin mineral supplements are designed to help replenish the bodys nutritional resources and create a foundation to support long term health. Herbalife Formula 2 multi vitamin mineral supplement provides over 20 vitamins and minerals essential for balanced nutrition and good health. Containing calcium and vitamin D to promote normal bone structure. Includes zinc to support a healthy immune system. Contains B vitamins to help support energy metabolism and provides antioxidant vitamins C and E for the protection of body cells against free radical damage.

Herbalife quality antioxidant is Formula 2 multi vitamin supplements available from Feel Good Nutrition - call, email or by direct online.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Do you eat breakfast? Do you rush lunch?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, this is well recognized by nutritional experts, providing you with much needed energy and nutrients, and is the 'break' from your nights 'fast'. Try not to neglect your fuel requirements - Herbalife Formula 1 meal replacement shakes make a satisfying and eaily prepared breakfast, perfect for getting the day off to a good start with healthy nutrition.

What about lunch - do you rush lunch or miss it?
Prepare a Herbalife Formula 1 healthy diet shake instead of lunch for a great nutrition plan meal. Just take a ready made shake in your shaker ready for lunch time - just shake and lunch is ready.
Herbalife formula 1 meal replacement shake available from Feel Good Nutrition, call, email or buy online UK.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Be more healthy - take the Core Nutrition supplements for health

A healthy diet should provide the essential nutrients your body needs every day. This doesn't mean you can't have the odd treat, just make it occassional and don't go over the top! But like I've said before its not always easy to get a balanced diet as you rush to take the kids to school or commute to work or juggle your life!

To be sure you get your nutrition you can add to diet with Herbalife health products to help provide your body with what in needs to function properly.

The idea of Core Nutrition is unique to Herbalife - Herbalife nutritional supplements with essential nutrients for wellness. Science-based, the core products are Herbalife Formula 1 Meal Replacement shake and Herbalife Formula 2 Multi vitamin supplements Complex. These supplements will promote optimum wellness together with a balanced, healthy diet and active lifestyle.

With Herbalife Formula 1 meal replacement shake plus Formula 2 Multivitamin mineral Complex you will get 100% RDA(Recommended Dietary Allowance) of protein, good carbs, good fats, fibre and key vitamins and minerals. Note that RDA is a guideline of how much nutrient is needed for healthy bodies. Ideally we should take the amount of nutrients daily to avoid negative effects of a deficiency.

Healthy core nutrition
Replace one meal a day with a Herbalife Formula 1 sachets shake plus 2 healthy balanced meals each day and nutritional supplements where necessary. A Formula 1 healthy diet shake is a healthy meal in a glass – a quick and easy meal that you know is going to be good for your body! These Herbalife Formula 1 meal replacements shakes make a great breakfast, providing your body with key vitamins and minerals, soy protein - all for less than 220 calories.

For more on Herbalife health supplements and Herbalife gain weight nutritional supplements - call Feel Good Nutrition on 01449737352 or email on website.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Fuel your body and your mind with Herbalife supplements

Hydration, energy levels and fast recovery times are important for all kinds of sports. Whether you are just starting out or a professional athlete, Herbalife sports nutrition supplements have something to offer your body and your performance.
These energy solutions are powered by ingredients such as guarana, vitamin c, b6 and b12 and other valuable nutrients. Like all Herbalife products, the herbal sports supplements are based on the concept of core nutrition helping you reach your personal wellness goals.
Fuel, refuel, repair, recover and hydrate are the basic phases in performance - Herbalife sports nutrition supplements available to address these phases. And programs tailored to amount of exercise training and level of sporting activity, whether hobby sports person or athlete - Herbalife sports nutrition uk supplements to suit.
Buy Herbalife products and sports nutrition supplements available from Feel Good Nutrition, call, email or buy on line UK.

Keeping Healthy should be fun

We are all different - so we all have individual needs for nutrition and health.

Our basic needs are the same - the nutritional supplements we need everyday. This core nutrition is protein, good carbs, good fats, vitamins, minerals for a healthy body.
But our individual needs are those needed specifically for our health issues or activity - these are targeted nutrition needs. Targeted nutrition supplements may be calcium deficiency supplement, guarana for energy, healthy energy drinks, antioxidants to boost immune health etc..

Achieving a healthy active lifestyle is easy but you need to commit to making a few long term lifestyle changes:
* keep physically active with at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity each day, even a brisk walk or gardening counts.

* stay hydrated with at least 2 litres of water each day.
* aim to provide your body with a range of nutrients by consuming a balanced healthy diet which includes at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables each day. Aim to reduce levels of saturated fat and salt in your diet and opt for high fibre foods wherever possible.

* watch your alcohol intake. Alcohol provides empty calories which offer no nutritional benefit to your body and just a few drinks can add alot of calories.

* a healthy active body requires appropriate amounts of rest and relaxation. Stress can cause negative health problems including leaving your body prone to illness.

Herbalife herbal health supplements can help you ' feel the difference' - core nutrition and targeted nutrition available from Feel Good Nutrition, call, email or buy online UK.

Healthy Good Nutrition is the Key to Health

A good nutrition diet should provide the elements every body needs each day to support and maintain optimum health as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Many of us are tempted by foods which are quick and easy to consume although we know that many are not good for our bodies. These tend to be high in fat, sugar, calories or salt and often lack the essential nutrients that our bodies need.

An alternative for normal fast food is ready made nutrition such as quality meal replacement shakes. Herbalife offers healthy, tasty and convenient nutrition soltions that set you on the right track to achieve your absolute best!

Herbalifes formula for success is
* achieve and maintain a healthy weight using Herbalife Formula 1 healthy diet shake and Formula 2 essential vitamins supplements complex as part of a healthy weight management programme. Mixing a meal replacement shake can take a minute - the ultimate fast food packed with goodness.

* get regular exercise activity, eat fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of fluids every day

* support your healthy lifestyle habits with Herbalife complementary products ranging from healthy snacks to drinks.

* continuous support from your Herbalife wellness foods contact.
Herbalife formula 1 meal replacement shake available from Feel Good Nutrition, call, email, or buy online UK.