Thursday, April 08, 2010

Herbalife Niteworks proven Effective by International Society of Sports Nutrition

Herbalife Niteworks
Press Release on the results from study of the effects of arginine supplements of cyclist perfornace by the International Society of Sport Nutrition. When cyclists over 50 given arginine supplements for 3 week period, performance was significantly enhanced. This is because their anaerobic threshold was increased, the point at which they start to accumulate lactic acid in the blood, leading to fatigue. As people age their anaerobic htreshold decreases as nitric acid production slows. The arginine supplement improves nitric oxide production with side effect of improving performance and vascular system. With the implication that the addition of arginine to diet as we age could improve health and wellbeing.

 The study was directed by Dr Luigi Gratton with half participants receiving the arginine supplement as Herbalife Niteworks food supplement and the others receiving a placebo. Herbalife Niteworks proven effective in clinical studies by International Society of Sport Nutrition.

Herbalife supplements from Feel Good Nutrition, independent Herbalife distributor.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

yes,this product is good but some people can not control his weight.

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