Saturday, May 30, 2009

Can taking a multi vitamin extend life?

ref 'Can taking a multivitamin extend life?' Los Angeles Times, May 29, 2009

Telomeres are the DNA sequences at the end of chromosomes, these shorten as we age and it is thought that the reason for telomeres shortening may be an important key to longevity. When cells replicate, telomeres shorten. So, preserving the length of telomeres is thought to be a possible key to living longer. Do you need supplements?

A study in the new issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who take multi vitamin supplements daily had telomeres that were 5.1% longer, on average, than non-vitamin users. The researchers, from the National Institutes of Health, looked at multivitamin use and nutrient intake, as well as telomere length, in 586 women ages 35 to 74. They also found a link between telomere length and intake of vitamins C and E.
How multivitamin supplements may affect telomeres is not known. But studies have shown that telomeres are vulnerable to oxidative stress, and some vitamins are antioxidants which can neutralise oxidative stresses. But more research is needed to find out whether multi vitamin supplements could really impact telomere length.
Dr. Honglei Chen, of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, wrote in the report "To our knowledge, this was the first epidemiological study of multivitamin use and telomere length. Regular multivitamin supplement users tend to follow a healthy lifestyle and have a higher intake of micronutrients, which sometimes makes it difficult to interpret epidemiological observations in multivitamin use." But added, "the results are consistent with experimental findings that vitamins C and E protect telomeres in vitro."

Thursday, May 28, 2009

How John stays youthful? Fitter, Healthier than ever.

At 66 John feels fantastic.

Although past retirement age, he has a very busy schedule, with long distance bike rides, ballroom dancing and generally staying active.

He says " At 65 years old, I biked from Portland to Seattle in two days. I rode 145 miles that first day!” He adds that he “owes this all to the Herbalife Herbalife Niteworks®. They’ve got me feeling better than I ever have. The best part is knowing that I’m going to remain healthy and enjoy life well into my later years–for my wife and for myself.”

Heres how he did it:
- set yourself goals to improve your fitness, mine is to be in better shape next year than I am this year.
- do activities that you enjoy and do them regularly every week.
- take Niteworks heart health supplement everyday.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More Youthful Eyes - Herbalife Skin Activator Eye Cream

The skin around the eyes is one of the first areas to show signs of aging. This is because the skin under and around the eyes is particularly fragile as it contains no oil glands, making it more prone to premature ageing.

Choosing an anti aging skin care routine can help hold back the years. Skin Activator works to re hydrate, nourish, firm and protect your skin. Fine lines and wrinkles, smoothness, clarity and luminosity may visibly improve in just a matter of weeks.

Help minimize fine lines and wrinkles around the delicate eye area with this rich, age-defying Skin Activator that contains natural hydrating and firming agents for results you can see and feel. Use the entire Skin Activator® line for best results and to reveal more youthful-looking skin!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lack of vitamin D may cause health risk to millions

ref "Millions face serious health risks over lack of vitamin D in diets" Daily Mail 16 May 2009

A recent report says that millions are at risk of developing serious health problems because of poor vitamin D levels, citing only 1 in 4 people eating enough foods rich in vitamin D. Vitamin D can help stave off cancer, heart disease, diabetes and bone thinning. And obesity is making the situation worse as the vitamin becomes trapped in fat deposits.
The report reviewed data from 170,000 patients and found that the consumption of vitamin D rich foods had dropped, such as oily fish, eggs and butter spreads. EU recommendations are for daily vitamin D intake of 5 micrograms for 12 - 70 years age group.
Normally 90% of the bodys vitamin D comes from sunlight, but over exposure can trigger skin cancer.

An alternative source of vitamin D is from from supplements, such as Herbalife herbal supplements with 33% RDA in Formula 2 multi vitamin supplement, 25% RDA in Formula 1 shakes, 8% RDA in XtraCal calcium supplement.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Junk food can harm children learning performance

from article 'How a Junk food diet can harm pupils performace' Daily Mail 23 May 2009

Researchers in U.S. have proved a link between junk food and poor performance at school. With a direct correlation between the amount of high fat and sugar in foods eaten by pupils and their results at school.
More than 5,500 children were involved in the study, aged 10 - 11-years and were asked to record whenever they ate at fast food resturants during the week.
- more than 50% had eaten fast food 1 to 3 during the previous week.
- 10% had eaten fast food 4 - 6 times
- 2% had eaten fast food 4 or more times a day.

The study was lead by Dr Kerri Tobin, University in Tennessee. Children were tested in reading and maths. For reading:
- junk food 4 - 6 times a week scored 6.96 points below average in reading.
- Pupils who ate fast food daily scored 16.07 points below average.
- Pupils who ate fast food 3 times a day scored 19.34 points below average.
For maths:
- Pupils eating fast food 4 - 6 times a week scored 6.55 points below average.
- Pupils eating daily junk food led to a 14.82 point drop
- Pupils eating junk food 3 times a day had a 18.48 point drop.
The study concluded that healthy nutrition could markedly benefit childrens learning and performance at school, childrens nutrition a healthier future.
Easy, good nutrition that is also fast food but packed with the nutrients needed for health is provided by Formula 1 nutrition shake everyday.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Microbes in your digestive system can make you Fat

Are bugs behind weight gain?
Can Cleansing your Digestive System help?

Could there really be a microbe in our digestive tract that is causing fat to accumulate, keeping us over weight?
Scientific studies have proven that we can catch these microbes which then cause a weight control problem. Aparently normal, healthy weight people do not have high levels of this microbe in their gut. The same study claims the over weight people tested did.
Herbalife has a product that helps clean the tiny microscopic hair like follicles located in the gut call villi. Cell Activator herbal supplement has been one of the products in the Herbalife weight loss products for years.

Friday, May 22, 2009

How to burn more calories with faster metabolism..

To control weight gain, you need to increase your metabolism so it burns more calories. The main reason we eat is for fuel to keep our bodies working but many people now a days eat for sheer pleasure irrespective of whether they need food or not.

To make sure your food is making your body work and not adding weight you need to make sure you follow these points:

- do 30 minutes exercise every day

- tone muscles by weight training 3 times a week - maybe start wearing wrist or ankle weights to train muscles if you can't get to a gym

- eat 3 meals a day, if you cut back on food too much your metabolism may slow down

- always eat breakfast, it kick starts your metabolism for the day

- herbal health supplements can boost metabolism, try Thermo complete herbal vitality supplement or herbal green tea for thermojetic weight loss.

- snack on high protein snacks, protein bars and Herbalife roasted soy nuts or a healthy snack.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Heart Health - Cardiovascular health

Healthy heart health is key to you overall health.

How can you improve your heart health?
Exercise more, whether a brisk walk, sit ups, swimming, cycling - just improve your fitness to improve your health health and wellness.
Eat healthy good nutrition, make sure you get the vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients needed for good health.

Why are antioxidants needed?Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals. And alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a potent antioxidant which works on mitochondria (energy producing parts of cells) to protect DNA damage. Some antioxidants work well in the body where there is water, vitamin C, whilat others work well where there is fat, vitamin E. Alpha lipois acid is unique in ability to work in water and fat and it helps to recirculate the vitamin C and E. ALA helps protect the heart from free radical damage.

How can I make sure I get ALA?
ALA is ingredient in Herbalife Niteworks heart health supplement - take daily for your needs. Niteworks was developed by Dr Ignarro, Noble Laureate in medicine. Dr Ignarros research found that Nitric Oxide helps improve circulation by keeping blood vessels flexible and youthful. Nitric Oxide improves blood flow, to promote healthy heart, brain and organs. In particuular the combination of two amino acids, arginine and citrulline, helps to support Nitric Oxide production in the body. Herbalife Niteworks® heart health supplement is a powder to add to water and contains these two amino acids and ALA.